Lovegrove Mathematicals


"Dedicated to making Likelinesses the entity of prime interest"

Plateau distributions

Definition of a plateau distribution

Let f∈S(N) and b,c∈XN with b≤c be such that i<b≤j≤c<k⇒f(i)<f(j)>f(k). Then f is a plateau distribution with plateau starting at b and with width w=c-b+1.

introductory diagram

Let w,A,B∈XN with A≤B≤N-w+1. Then PLAT(w,A to B,N) is the set of all plateau distributions of degree N and width w which start in [A,B].

Algorithm to find
injective f∈PLAT(w,A to B,N)

All elements of [A,B] are equally likely to be the start of the plateau (deform the domain, XN, into an unlabelled circle -then cut it to form XN again), so use the uniform distribution to select the start, b, from them. Select f∈SD(w,N) the set of step-down distributions of degree N with a step at w and cycle its values to the right by b-1.

example plateau distribution Likelinesses for RSD(6,29) example plateau distribution example plateau distribution example plateau distribution